Traducir fechas en WordPress 2.1

27 Feb 2007

wordpress logoYa traducimos todo nuestro theme (plantilla) de WordPress, instalamos la traduccion WordPress 2.1 es_ES, e incluso editamos nuestros plugins para que no quede ningun rastro del idioma anglosajón. Pero todavia falta algo… las fechas, resulta bastante molesto ver las fechas en ingles teniendo el resto de nuestro blog en castellano. Para solucionar este inconveniente hacemos lo siguiente:

  1. Nos dirijimos al panel de administracion de WordPress (wp-admin)
  2. Luego vamos a Manage (Administrar) -> Files (Archivos)
  3. En la seccion Other Files (Otros archivos) escribimos «wp-includes/locale.php» (sin comillas)
  4. En este punto es recomendable hacer un backup del archivo.
  5. A continuacion editamos el archivo, nos quedaria algo asi:

// Date and Time

class WP_Locale {
var $weekday;
var $weekday_initial;
var $weekday_abbrev;

var $month;
var $month_abbrev;

var $meridiem;

var $text_direction = '';
var $locale_vars = array('text_direction');

function init() {
// The Weekdays
$this->weekday[0] = __('Domingo');
$this->weekday[1] = __('Lunes');
$this->weekday[2] = __('Martes');
$this->weekday[3] = __('Miercoles');
$this->weekday[4] = __('Jueves');
$this->weekday[5] = __('Viernes');
$this->weekday[6] = __('Sabado');

// The first letter of each day.  The _%day%_initial suffix is a hack to make
// sure the day initials are unique.
$this->weekday_initial[__('Sunday')]    = __('S_Sunday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Monday')]    = __('M_Monday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Tuesday')]   = __('T_Tuesday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Wednesday')] = __('W_Wednesday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Thursday')]  = __('T_Thursday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Friday')]    = __('F_Friday_initial');
$this->weekday_initial[__('Saturday')]  = __('S_Saturday_initial');

foreach ($this->weekday_initial as $weekday_ => $weekday_initial_) {
$this->weekday_initial[$weekday_] = preg_replace('/_.+_initial$/', '', $weekday_initial_);

// Abbreviations for each day.
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Sunday')]    = __('Sun');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Monday')]    = __('Mon');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Tuesday')]   = __('Tue');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Wednesday')] = __('Wed');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Thursday')]  = __('Thu');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Friday')]    = __('Fri');
$this->weekday_abbrev[__('Saturday')]  = __('Sat');

// The Months
$this->month['01'] = __('Enero');
$this->month['02'] = __('Febrero');
$this->month['03'] = __('Marzo');
$this->month['04'] = __('Abril');
$this->month['05'] = __('Mayo');
$this->month['06'] = __('Junio');
$this->month['07'] = __('Julio');
$this->month['08'] = __('Agosto');
$this->month['09'] = __('Septiembre');
$this->month['10'] = __('Octubre');
$this->month['11'] = __('Noviembre');
$this->month['12'] = __('Diciembre');

// Abbreviations for each month. Uses the same hack as above to get around the
// 'May' duplication.
$this->month_abbrev[__('January')] = __('Jan_January_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('February')] = __('Feb_February_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('March')] = __('Mar_March_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('April')] = __('Apr_April_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('May')] = __('May_May_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('June')] = __('Jun_June_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('July')] = __('Jul_July_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('August')] = __('Aug_August_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('September')] = __('Sep_September_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('October')] = __('Oct_October_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('November')] = __('Nov_November_abbreviation');
$this->month_abbrev[__('December')] = __('Dec_December_abbreviation');

foreach ($this->month_abbrev as $month_ => $month_abbrev_) {
$this->month_abbrev[$month_] = preg_replace('/_.+_abbreviation$/', '', $month_abbrev_);

// The Meridiems
$this->meridiem['am'] = __('am');
$this->meridiem['pm'] = __('pm');
$this->meridiem['AM'] = __('AM');
$this->meridiem['PM'] = __('PM');

// Import global locale vars set during inclusion of $locale.php.
foreach ( $this->locale_vars as $var ) {
if ( isset($GLOBALS[$var]) )
$this->$var = $GLOBALS[$var];


function get_weekday($weekday_number) {
return $this->weekday[$weekday_number];

function get_weekday_initial($weekday_name) {
return $this->weekday_initial[$weekday_name];

function get_weekday_abbrev($weekday_name) {
return $this->weekday_abbrev[$weekday_name];

function get_month($month_number) {
return $this->month[zeroise($month_number, 2)];

function get_month_initial($month_name) {
return $this->month_initial[$month_name];

function get_month_abbrev($month_name) {
return $this->month_abbrev[$month_name];

function get_meridiem($meridiem) {
return $this->meridiem[$meridiem];

// Global variables are deprecated. For backwards compatibility only.
function register_globals() {
$GLOBALS['weekday']         = $this->weekday;
$GLOBALS['weekday_initial'] = $this->weekday_initial;
$GLOBALS['weekday_abbrev']  = $this->weekday_abbrev;
$GLOBALS['month']           = $this->month;
$GLOBALS['month_abbrev']    = $this->month_abbrev;

function WP_Locale() {


Nota: Advertir que me limite a editar unicamente los nombres de los dias y meses. Tambien se pueden editar las iniciales correspondientes y otras configuraciones varias, pero creo que el codigo que puse arriba deberia ser suficiente para la mayoria.

Sin categoría